Category: ALL

British Bulldog

Grade level: K-4
Equipment: None
Game Description: The dog catcher calls out ‘British Bulldog’ from the middle, and the bulldogs attempt to run from one end to the other without getting caught. When caught, the players become taggers as the rounds continue, making it harder for the remaining bulldogs to get from end to end. This is one of the most common tag games out there, a must play!

Leap-frog Tag

Grade level: K-4
Equipment: None
Game Description: When a player is tagged in this game, he crouches down into a lump and is stuck there until a player who isn’t tagged can leap-frog over him. Simple idea, yet very effective. A good next step in the progression of leap-frogging!

4-Corner Dodgeball

Grade level: 2-8
Equipment: Dodgeballs, pylons
Game Description: 4-corner dodgeball starts with 4 teams in their corners. When players are hit, they join the team that hit them. If one team is left with no players, the space opens up for another team. Lots of action, dodging, throwing, rolling, and fun. Read More →

Kings Court

Grade level: 5-8
Equipment: Volleyball, volleyball net
Game Description: King’s Court is an idea that can be used in many sports…commonly volleyball, badminton, and basketball. When successful, players advance their way into the King’s Court. Upon losing a match or round, they start back at the beginning and work their way back up. This game rewards the stronger or advanced athletes or teams, but doesn’t take away opportunity from anyone.


Grade level: 5-8
Equipment: Basketball
Game Description: 21 is perhaps the most popular shooting game for basketball. The idea is simple: be the first to reach 21 points. Normally played in pairs or threes, players take turns shooting for 1 or 2 points – unless you’re really good, you could make it to 21 without your opponent even having a chance to shoot! Great game for practicing free throws (foul shots).

4-Goal Soccer

Grade level: 2-8
Equipment: Soccer balls, 4 goals
Game Description: 4 Goal Soccer is another popular soccer PE game, especially with larger groups. 4 nets are set-up on each side. 4 teams go at it with whatever soccer rules the teacher wants to implement. Teams can score in any net except their own – that’s obvious. Definitely worth taking a look at; lots of movement, exercise, and skill development potential in this game.

Beachball Kickers

Grade level: 5-8
Equipment: 2 beachballs, mats
Game Description: Beachball Kickers is a unique soccer-volleyball, Sepak Takraw type game. Players pass and kick the beachballs up in the air, attempting to score into the target area. There are two (or more) teams who work together to move the beachballs around, but no hands allowed.

Here Come The Bears

Grade level: K-4
Equipment: None
Game Description: Here Come The Bears is a chasing and fleeing tag game where the bears try to run to the opposite side without getting tagged by the catchers. The trick is that the catchers can only run left and right along lines in the gym. When tagged, the bears join the catchers on the line.

  1. Players line up along one edge of the gym. They are the bears.
  2. Two catchers start on width-wise lines as the catchers who will try and tag the bears as they run across.
  3. The catchers yell ‘Here Come The Bears’ and the runners run.
  4. The catchers can only move left and right along their line.
  5. Any bears who are caught then become catchers and join them on the line.
  6. Play until all have been caught!