Grade level: 1-6
Equipment: Foam balls, music
Game Description: Another throwing and catching game with a fun twist! Pairs toss a ball back and forth until the music stops and then run for it!
How To Play:
- Players partner up and find a spot in the gym.
- Give each pair a foam ball.
- When music starts, partners play catch back and forth.
- When music stops, player with the ball chases after partner trying to tag or toss the ball at him below the waist.
- When music starts up again, they continue to play catch like before.
- Repeat steps 4 & 5 for as long as you desire.
I LOVE your site! One of my pupils said that I'm the greatest phys.ed teacher because I go to the Internet and find AWESOME games for them to play - and phys.ed. com is where I go!! So.... . thanks for the elevated status! 🙂