Keeper of the Castle

Grade level: 2-8
Equipment: Various
Game Description: In this game, the Keeper (or Keepers) of the Castle tries to protect the treasure inside the castle by tagging players who come close to steal the treasure. In their teams, players try to capture as many pieces of treasure as possible until there’s nothing left. The team with the most treasure at the end wins the round. Switch up the Keepers after every round and play as many rounds as desired!

  1. Place small pieces of equipment (pins, balls, cones, scarves, etc) in the middle circle. The equipment is the ‘treasure’ and the circle is the ‘castle’.
  2. Place 4 hula hoops in each corner of the gym. Those are the bases (collection chambers) for each of the 4 teams.
  3. Have a few students as the keepers of the castle (taggers), guarding the treasure in the middle.
  4. On the signal, players will try to take pieces of treasure from the castle and bring it back to their bases without getting tagged.
  5. When a player is tagged, he must go back and touch the hula hoop at his base before re-entering play.
  6. If a player has a treasure in hand when tagged, he must first put the treasure back before going back to base.
  7. When all treasure has been stolen from the castle, the team who collected the most treasure wins.
  8. Switch the taggers.


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  1. Students loved it, but they struggled with following the rules particular when they have to return home for three seconds, they needed to be reminded. But generally it was dynamic and fun for kids.

  2. Played this as a Haloween game. The castle was haunted by 2 ghosts (the keepers), teams were trying to sneak in to get a piece of “trick or treat candy” and return it to their candy basket

  3. ^ using this idea for next weeks class, perfect for halloween. Thanks!

  4. My kids loved this game! I played it more like a relay style because I found if I sent all the kids at one time it was a bit crazy and dangerous. So, I sent one or two from each team only and they would come back and tag the next team member. They loved it!!

    • I am planning kingdom themed games for camp and this sounds like a winner, We played a similar game last year but it was a bit hectic because everyone ran at once. I love the relay approach.

  5. i think this is a fun game. im doing it as a project I picked it bcz it sounds fun and it does lol 😀

  6. My fellow teachers and I modify the game by requiring a pass to a teammate (from inside castle to outside of
    on enemy side) and then a pass to a teammate (from enemy side to friendly side) in order to keep the treasure.

    This works with 8th grade and into high school

  7. I would have them do some sort of exercise to make them stay for a few seconds.

  8. I made students do exercises in order to get back into the game.

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