Tit For Tat

Grade level: 4-8
Equipment: Mats, cones, hula hoops
Game Description: This game is a VERY fun variation (thanks Marshall for this variation) of the widely popular strategy game of “Yoshi”. Two teams faceoff against eachother in this invasion/territory game. The goal of the game is to get as many points as possible by having as many players as possible in the destination zones on the opposite teams side. The rounds are timed (2, 3, 4, 5 mins, or whatever time you’d like). Players are safe on their own half but can get tagged if on the opponents side (unless in a safe area). Tagged players will need to be saved, if a teammate can safely rescue them. LOTS of movement, teamwork, and laughs. Amazing variation to a classic game, thanks again to Marshall.


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  1. Sounds fun. Do both teams pretty much just stay on sidelines unless they are attempting to run across or rescue? That was what the video looked like but I can invision lots of students running at the same time. Or can both teams be anywhere on their side; guarding hoops, mats, kids who are sitting and have been tagged? Your thoughts?

  2. No, they would all play inside the playing area the entire round. They would just either start along the sidelines or within their own defensive/home/safe side. So when you say, "Or can both teams be anywhere on their side; guarding hoops, mats, kids who are sitting and have been tagged?" the answer is YES!!!

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