Grade level: 1-6
Equipment: 5 hula hoops
Game Description: The Skunks are the taggers. They must go around trying to tag the others. This tag game is more than just a basic tag game as there are safe areas, skunk homes, and role-swaps. Try it out and add your own rules to suit your PE class.
- Place 4 hula hoops in the corners of the gym. Those are the safe areas.
- Place 1 hula hoop in the middle. That is the skunks home.
- Choose 2 players to be skunks. They are the taggers. They start in their homes.
- The rest of the players start spread out in the playing area.
- On the signal, the skunks will go out and try to tag someone.
- If a player is tagged, he switches roles with the skunk, and is now a skunk. Before he can go tag people though, he must go into the skunk home and yell out ‘NEW SKUNK’ so players are aware of who the new skunk is.
- Players can take quick breaks in the safe zones where they can’t get tagged, but they can only stay in there for a few seconds at a time.
This is a very fun and physical game!?