
Grade level: 3-8
Equipment: Dodgeball
Game Description: In SPUD, there’s a little bit of anticipation, a little bit of excitement, and a lot of fun. Players get the chance to move, dodge, throw, as the game goes on. There’s only 1 dodgeball, but you’ve still gotta keep your head up.

How To Play:

  1. Number off the players. For example, if there are 17 players, then 1 to 17.
  2. Players spread out in the gym.
  3. Teacher starts in the middle with the dodgeball.
  4. Teacher will throw the dodgeball up in the air at the same time as calling out a number.
  5. The number that is called out (for example, let’s say ’14’) must run as quickly as possible to the dodgeball where it lands and pick it up.
  6. Once dodgeball is in hand of that player, all other players must STOP (normally, they try to run away from where the dodgeball lands).
  7. Player with dodgeball – number 14 – then gets 4 steps towards any player; on each step he calls out the letters to SPUD… S…P…U…D.
  8. After the 4 steps closer, a friendly throw at the player he is near.
  9. Whether ball contacts that player or not, number 14 will get to start the new round by throwing the ball back up in the air and calling a new number.

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