Pass It On

Grade level: 2-8
Equipment: Hula hoops, various items
Game Description: This team-building game is great for any physical education class. Players will work together to pass objects to each other to be the first team to successfully move all objects from one end to the other. There’s a catch though…players are must all lay down on their backs and pass only with their feet.

  1. Create teams of even numbers.
  2. In their teams, players lay down on their backs and form a line, head to toe.
  3. One hula hoop is placed at the foot of the first person in line. This hula hoop contains random objects to be moved.
  4. One hula hoop is placed at the head of the last person in line. This hula hoop is the collection bin.
  5. On the signal, players work together to be the first team to successfully pass all of their objects from one hoop to the other by only using their feet.
  6. Play as many times as desired.

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