Category: Large Group

Fruit Salad

Grade Level: K-5
Equipment: Pinnies (different colors)
Game Description: Fruit salad is a tag game for kindergarten to grade 5. Give out different color pinnies to the taggers and ask the students to name fruits that are the same colors of the pinnies. If students get tagged by a certain color then they freeze into the shape of the particular fruit that matches the color. As a class you can decide upon different ideas of how to freeze into a particular fruit. The class also determines how to unfreeze the different pieces of fruit so there are lots of different kinds of actions and they can make up a new version almost every time.

Examples: Apple – Cut, Banana – Peel, Blueberry – Wash, Watermelon – Roll, etc.

Try it out with the VEGETABLE theme as well! Move and learn at the same time with the Fruit Salad physical education game.

(Thanks to Curtis Glasgow for this game idea)

Sideline Soccer

Grade Level: 2-8
Equipment: Foam Balls
Game Description: In sideline soccer, teams become goalies along their respective sidelines, using their best goaltending skills. Imagine the set-up as big lines of goalies stretching across the entire length of the sidelines – for each team. Meanwhile the first 5 players from each team enter the playing area from the front of their line to play some soccer (choose 2-3 balls to use all at the same time). Whenever a goal is scored on a team, just put the ball back into play and keep going – no need to stop the play for anything! After 2 minutes blow the whistle and the 5 players from each team that were on the playing area will go to the back of their teams line of goalies and 5 new players who were at the front of the line enter in as players. Great game to play to work on all the soccer (football) skills. Also a great game for large groups.

Prison Ball

Grade Level: 4-8
Equipment: Foam Balls
Game Description: Prison ball is a dodgeball-type game where 2 teams face-off against each other. Along the ends of the gym, behind each team is a prison area. Whenever a player gets hit, he or she must head to prison behind the opposite team on that end. They are stuck there until they can throw a ball and successfully hit someone while they’re in prison — and then they can return home to their team, while the player they hit must then go to prison! Very interesting type of dodgeball game where players must be aware of their complete surroundings, front, back, sides. Balls flying from all over the place makes it challenging and lots of fun!


Grade Level: K-8
Equipment: 4 foam balls
Game Description: This is a special type of dodgeball game with official rules, refs, and the whole show! With sportsmanship being the number 1 rule, teams will compete in an epic battle to be the last ones standing. Great game incorporating lots of skills. Popular in Australia, kids love this one and get nice and sweaty. There’s talk of some major tournament play and school-wide fun. Try it out!

Also see the official rules manual (WORD DOCUMENT DOWNLOAD) posted below:


Everybody’s It

Grade level: 1-8
Equipment: None
Game Description: ‘Everybody’s It’ is a classic all-time favorite tag game with non-stop action! Everybody is it, and everybody can also get tagged. If a player gets tagged, he must sit where he was tagged.  He is stuck down until the player who tagged him gets tagged, and then he’s back up.  It’s that simple!  This is a very active game; lots of running. If players are sitting too long then the teacher can yell out, “free pass” and then they can get back up. If players tag eachother at the same time then they play a round of ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’ to see who sits. Read More →

Rainbow Road

Grade level: K-4
Equipment: Colored spots (lilly pads), or hula hoops
Game Description: In ‘Rainbow Road’ teams of players will move in different patterns along spots on the floor depending on which color sequence is called out. A variety of movement skills can be used to spice things up. Read More →


Grade level: 4-8
Equipment: Dodgeballs, hula-hoops
Game Description: Castle Ball might be one of physedgames’ favourites! A must play! This target game adds a huge teamwork component as well as team strategy. It also ties in throwing, catching, blocking, building, and awareness. Defend your castles, and topple over the opponent castles before they get yours. WARNING: LOTS OF FUN. Read More →