Category: ALL

Bank Heist

Grade level: 4-8
Equipment: Beanbags (yellow), mats, scooters, dodgeballs
Game Description: Robbers trying to steal the gold, police try to stop them! Lots of skills and fun involved in this unique game idea.

Rodeo Roundup

Grade level: 1-5
Equipment: Scooters, hula hoops
Game Description: Cowboys, round up those horses! For extra fun, add some food – could use beanbags or scarves or whatever you have. Easy, fun idea (thanks to Diana Gyuras)!

Cops N Robbers

Grade level: K-6
Equipment: None
Game Description: Here’s the classic game of Cops N Robbers. First and most importantly is to find a fun area to play this game (technically it could be played anywhere but the more obstacles and hiding spots, the better). You’ll create a couple Cops whose job is to find and tag the Robbers. Once robbers are tagged they need to go to jail. Sounds simple because it is, and it’s a whole lot of fun too! (Thanks to a friend and colleague Paul Grosskopf for bringing this game back to life)

Tit for Tat

Grade level: 4-8
Equipment: Mats, cones, hula hoops
Game Description: This game is a VERY fun variation (thanks Marshall for this variation) of the widely popular strategy game of “Yoshi”. Two teams faceoff against eachother in this invasion/territory game. The goal of the game is to get as many points as possible by having as many players as possible in the destination zones on the opposite teams side. The rounds are timed (2, 3, 4, 5 mins, or whatever time you’d like). Players are safe on their own half but can get tagged if on the opponents side (unless in a safe area). Tagged players will need to be saved, if a teammate can safely rescue them. LOTS of movement, teamwork, and laughs. Amazing variation to a classic game, thanks again to Marshall.

Throw For The Throne

Grade level: 4-8
Equipment: Foam balls, mats, 2 chairs
Game Description: Awesome idea: set-up castles using mats and chairs, throw dodgeballs to complete tasks, and be the first team to get your knight catching the winning ball while sitting on the throne – lots of great stuff involved here! (Thanks to Curtis Kroetsch for this idea)