Category: ALL

Knockout (Basketball)

Grade level: 4-8
Equipment: Basketballs
Game Description: Knockout is a dribbling game in which players attempt to keep control of their own ball, while at the same time trying to knock out other players. No double dribble allowed! If a player gets knocked out, then he can stand along the edge line and try to knock out someone else’s ball from there. Read More →

Blind Volleyball

Grade level: 5-8
Equipment: Bedsheets (or parachutes), volleyball net, volleyball
Game Description: Blind volleyball is a regular game of volleyball except teams can’t see eachother or the other side because there are bedsheets covering the net. Parachutes also work well to cover. Great for reaction time, and ready position! Read More →

Zone Soccer

Grade level: 3-8
Equipment: Soccer ball
Game Description: The focus in Zone Soccer is on positioning: strikers, midfielders, defense, and goalkeeping. In this game, players must stay in their zones, and advance the ball by passing or chipping. Players rotate after awhile to have a chance playing all of the different positions.

Animal Relay

Grade level: K-4
Equipment: Pylons
Game Description: Relays. As animals. That’s pretty much it. This game is so simple that there really doesn’t need to be a video explanation ☺


Grade level: 3-8
Equipment: Soft bouncy ball (nerf/playground), rubber bases (or use mats)
Game Description: Kickball AKA Soccer-Baseball has been played in many-a-playground and many-a-gym for years and years. There’s a fielding team, there’s a kicking team, and there are many different rules or ways of playing. Read More →

Line Tag

Grade level: K-6
Equipment: Pinnies
Game Description: The premise is simple: stay on the lines and try not to get tagged. If tagged, sit down and become a road block until the freer comes around and frees you. Great directional PE game, very popular.


Grade level: K-4
Equipment: None
Game Description: An all-time classic. Ollie Ollie Octopus gets students saying a rhyming chant, and then running across to the other side without getting tagged by the Octopus. Players who are tagged sit down where tagged and become ‘Seaweed’ – they wave their arms and can try to tag other players as they run by. Perhaps one of the most popular early year level games.