
Grade level: K-8
Equipment: Ball
Game Description: Strikeball is a great little game to work on aspects of goaltending, fielding, striking, and reaction time. Circle groups of any size can play this game together and try to score points by striking the ball between the legs of another player. Continuous fun and practice.

  1. Groups form a circle in the playing area, each person standing foot-to-foot with the people beside them.
  2. Group sizes should range anywhere from 4 – 8 per group.
  3. Give each group a ball.
  4. Keeping the ball inside the circle, players must strike the ball around with their hand, trying to score a point through another players legs.
  5. Players can try to stop or block the ball with their hands or arms, but can’t close their legs up to prevent a goal.
  6. When a point is scored, the person who was scored on must go and retrieve the ball.
  7. Play continues on for determined amount of time or score.

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