Here Come The Bears

Grade level: K-4
Equipment: None
Game Description: Here Come The Bears is a chasing and fleeing tag game where the bears try to run to the opposite side without getting tagged by the catchers. The trick is that the catchers can only run left and right along lines in the gym. When tagged, the bears join the catchers on the line.

  1. Players line up along one edge of the gym. They are the bears.
  2. Two catchers start on width-wise lines as the catchers who will try and tag the bears as they run across.
  3. The catchers yell ‘Here Come The Bears’ and the runners run.
  4. The catchers can only move left and right along their line.
  5. Any bears who are caught then become catchers and join them on the line.
  6. Play until all have been caught!

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