Bag The Beanbag

Grade level: 3-8
Equipment: Beanbags
Game Description: Teams try to bring beanbags back to their own side by balancing them on their head and returning safely from the opposite side. But timing is everything, since once on the opposing team side, players can get tagged. There’s a good variety of skill and strategy to be accomplished in this game, including balance, communication, teamwork, chasing, fleeing, and rescue.

  1. Create two teams, each on one side of the gym.
  2. Along the edge of both teams sides, place beanbags.
  3. The goal is to get the bean bags from the other teams side and bring it back to your side, trying to be the first team to get them all onto your side.
  4. Players can get tagged once they enter the other teams half. When tagged, a player sits, waiting to be freed by a teammate who can safely make it to him and free him. They both get a free walk back.
  5. If a player makes it across to the beanbags on the other side, he can put one on his head. He must then balance it on his head back to his own side without it falling off (he can’t be tagged when the beanbag is on his head).


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  1. What happens if the bean bag fall?s off your head as you are trying to return to your side?

  2. sorry,- falls of your head

    • The way I’ve done it is if the beanbag falls off, it goes back, and the player sits until freed (if it falls off in opponents territory. If it falls off in own territory then no problem). You could do it that way, or have it where if it falls, they must try to put it back on head before moving again, although they’re susceptible to getting tagged during that time.

  3. How can I keep up on your latest postings to your website? I have never done RSS before. When I clicked on that at your website – it sent me to a page with a bunch of computer jargon that I did not understand. I’d also like to know what are some games that you have pasted since Dec 2013. Do you have for patrons of your site to search via dates or something like that? This is my 25th year of teaching elementary PE. I think your site is AWESOME! Thank you for all your work! Dean

    • No problem! Our Youtube Channel shows what date each video was uploaded. Also, on our site, if you click the “All Games” category, the order proceeds from most recent to least recent. Thanks for watching.

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