Treasure Hunters

Grade level: 3-8
Equipment: Bean-bags, hula-hoops
Game Description: Treasure Hunters will seek out treasure and plunder it from the other teams treasure boxes! Non-stop action and fun, players must think strategy and timing in this game. There are 4 teams going at it for a set amount of time…who can plunder the most!

  1. Place 4 hula hoops in the corners of the gym.
  2. In each hoop place an equal amount of beanbags.
  3. Create 4 teams, each starting at their own hula hoop.
  4. The goal is to grab treasures (beanbags) from other teams hoops and bring back to yours. Only 1 piece at a time.
  5. Set a time limit, and play!
  6. There is no tagging in this game, unless you want to implement a tag rule.
  7. Team with the most beanbags at the end of the time limit wins!


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  1. Students all go at same time or is it one student from each team at a time? Great activity !

  2. As an alternative, you can start with all the bean bags in the middle of the gym. I like to group the students in pairs of groups of three. They take turns going. The first student from each group runs and gets one bean bag from the middle. After that, the next student may go to the middle for another bean bag or go to any other hoop and take a bean bag. Play continues until all bean bags are gone from the middle. The strategy is knowing when to take a bean bag from the middle as opposed to going to another groups hoop.

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