
Grade level: 3-8
Equipment: Cones
Game Description: Fresher is a tag game in which players have to be “fresher” then other players to tag them. The longer a player is in the playing area, the less fresh he becomes and the more likely he can get tagged. There are 2 teams playing against each other, trying to tag the opponents. When in their own teams safe area (the endzone on their side) they are completely fresh, but as soon as a player enters the middle zone (playing area) he starts becoming less and less fresh, so if a player from the other team enters that area AFTER, that player is fresher and can tag him. Once tagged, a player needs to go into the corner prison on the opposing teams side (marked by cones) and hope for someone on his team to come over and rescue him. Once rescued, both players get a free walk back to their team. The round is over if all players from one team are tagged and in prison. The key in this game is team strategy and swiftness. If players from opposing teams encounter each other and don’t know who is “fresher” they can do rock, paper, scissors, and loser goes into the jail.


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  1. Great game! I played it last week with classes in Grades 3/4, 5/6, 7 & 8. All enjoyed it - two thumbs up in a straw vote 🙂

  2. My kids love this game! We used the buffer zone and I instituted a 10 second rule while play was happening. 10 seconds to stand in the end zone before you need to pop out. Worked great for grade 7s!

  3. We used to play this game at the elementary school I went to. I always thought it was a very strange game but I did enjoy it. However, in my opinion it is a game that needs to played with a teacher refereeing otherwise it always devolves into arguments about who was "fresher".

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