Category: Small Group


Grade level: 5-8
Equipment: Basketball
Game Description: 3-on-3 basketball is a great way to play a scrimmage-type game using only 1 net. It’s great for practicing screens, picks and rolls, give and gos, triangles, cuts, and all other fundamental basketball skills. Many lunch hours have been spend in the gym playing good old 3 on 3 basketball.

What Time Is It Mr. Wolf?

Grade level: K-2
Equipment: None
Game Description: The classic game of What Time Is It Mr. Wolf…the big bad wolf stands opposite from the group who keeps asking him what time it is. If it’s 10:00, the students take 10 steps closer. 5:00 and it’s 5 steps closer. Soon it will be LUNCH TIME and the wolf is hungry! The first player he chases and catches becomes the new wolf.

Frisbee Golf

Grade level: 4-8
Equipment: Frisbees, hula hoops, pylons
Game Description: A great game to test out and practice throwing accuracy and targeting for frisbee. Create different holes at varying distances, with different pars for the course. See how many throws it takes to hit the target at each hole! Read More →


Grade level: 5-8
Equipment: Basketball
Game Description: The goal is to not be the HORSE. In this basketball shooting game, players must make the same shot that has been made by the player before them, or else they get a letter. So if your friend shoots from downtown and makes it, then you have to make that exact same shot, or you get a letter ‘H’. Fun little game to play with anywhere from 2-5 people.

Around The World

Grade level: 5-8
Equipment: Basketballs
Game Description: Another basketball shooting game where players attempt to be the first to make it around the world by successfully making shots from different spots around the hoop. At each shooting spot, players can take a 2nd chance if they miss the first, however, if they miss their chance, then they must return to the beginning. Another great shooting game for PE class.


Grade level: 5-8
Equipment: Basketball
Game Description: 21 is perhaps the most popular shooting game for basketball. The idea is simple: be the first to reach 21 points. Normally played in pairs or threes, players take turns shooting for 1 or 2 points – unless you’re really good, you could make it to 21 without your opponent even having a chance to shoot! Great game for practicing free throws (foul shots).