Category: Gr 4

Survival Kickball

Grade level: 4-8
Equipment: Kickball (or baseball equipment), bases
Game Description: This game takes the classic game of kickball to another level. Last man standing, survival, be the last kicker on your team to make it to the end! Awesome idea (thanks to Deric Hafer)!

Bank Heist

Grade level: 4-8
Equipment: Beanbags (yellow), mats, scooters, dodgeballs
Game Description: Robbers trying to steal the gold, police try to stop them! Lots of skills and fun involved in this unique game idea.

Rodeo Roundup

Grade level: 1-5
Equipment: Scooters, hula hoops
Game Description: Cowboys, round up those horses! For extra fun, add some food – could use beanbags or scarves or whatever you have. Easy, fun idea (thanks to Diana Gyuras)!

Cops N Robbers

Grade level: K-6
Equipment: None
Game Description: Here’s the classic game of Cops N Robbers. First and most importantly is to find a fun area to play this game (technically it could be played anywhere but the more obstacles and hiding spots, the better). You’ll create a couple Cops whose job is to find and tag the Robbers. Once robbers are tagged they need to go to jail. Sounds simple because it is, and it’s a whole lot of fun too! (Thanks to a friend and colleague Paul Grosskopf for bringing this game back to life)