Category: Fun

Crabs & Lobsters

Grade Level: 1-6
Equipment: Cones, beachballs, music
Game Description: This game is a special take on Crab Soccer, one that gets crabs doing the crabwalk around trying to score points by kicking the ball into the opposing teams goal area. The lobsters are the goalies who can use their hands to punch or push the ball away. All players get a chance to be both crab and lobster, using different movement skills to accomplish their tasks.

Critter Dash

Grade Level: 1-5
Equipment: Beanbags, tails
Game Description: The critters (squirrels, racoons, or whatever animals you want to use) try to get the pieces of food from the far side safely back to their home without getting their tails swiped off by the foxes! This game includes running, dodging, strategy, and good old fun. All you need are some beanbags – or substitute other – and some tails for the critters to wear. Read More →

Keeper of the Castle

Grade level: 2-8
Equipment: Various
Game Description: In this game, the Keeper (or Keepers) of the Castle tries to protect the treasure inside the castle by tagging players who come close to steal the treasure. In their teams, players try to capture as many pieces of treasure as possible until there’s nothing left. The team with the most treasure at the end wins the round. Switch up the Keepers after every round and play as many rounds as desired! Read More →

Pirates & Sailors

Grade level: 4-8
Equipment: Mats, pool noodles
Game Description: Pirates & Sailors gives pirates a chance to try to tag sailors by chasing them with a pool noodle!  If a sailor gets tagged, he must go into the pirate ship (prison). Sailors are safe in their own ships, but can only stay in them for 3 seconds. Sailors stuck in prison can be freed by other sailors if they can get to them without getting caught by a pirate. This game can get really intense; a great way to get exercise and have fun! Read More →


Grade level: 6-8
Equipment: 2 basketballs, net, 5 cones
Game Description: Masterball can be played as a stand-alone game, or as a game to supplement a basketball unit. Two teams compete to be first to knock over the target cone and quickly move to layups and passing. Skills involved are aiming, rolling, catching, running, passing, and layups. Try it out! Read More →