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Target Toys

Grade level: K-4
Equipment: cones, hula hoops, foam balls, items (toys, stuffies, beanbags, etc)
Game Description: Step up your rolling game in ‘Target Toys’. Or choose to kick instead. Just like the name says, players will target the toys and try to collect them. The team with the most toys wins!

Hoop Rollers

Grade level: K-8
Equipment: cones, hula hoops, balls
Game Description: Try out this new rolling activity. Relay teams roll their ball to see which team can collect the most hoops. Stealing is also an option (not in a bad way but a ‘fun’ way of stealing). Thanks to Emily Roberts for this one!

Bench Dodgeball

Grade level: 4-8
Equipment: benches, dodgeballs
Game Description: It’s the classic game of bench dodgeball, at least I think it’s a classic. It might just be classic for me? Note: this game is different from BENCHBALL (where you try to get all players onto the bench – that’s not a dodgeball game, though it’s also a really good game). In this game, you try to help your players get OFF the bench. Mrs. Gracie at my school really likes to play this game when I’m away. The kids really like it and of course, it works on lots of skills!

2 Ball

Grade level: 4-8
Equipment: cones, 2 soft balls, jerseys
Game Description: Here is Steve Mercado’s next game idea. It’s simply an amazing game. After playing, creating, and sharing games for MANY years, I think this might even be the best all-around game of them all. Involves lots of different skills, strategies, movement, teamwork, and more. You need to try this game, you’ll be happy you did. Thanks Steve!

Gift Delivery

Grade level: K-3
Equipment: cones, poly spots, milk crates, “presents”
Game Description: One more fun and new Christmas physical education game idea. This one comes from Deric Hafer, you know, the same Deric that has had many of the best game ideas! It’s a team-building game that gets players working together to deliver presents to the chimneys. Try it out this holiday season and let me know how it goes!

Snowball Races

Grade level: K-4
Equipment: cones, exercise balls, optional Christmas music
Game Description: Another Christmas physical education game idea. It’s simple, yet really fun! Players will be in relay teams. Each group will get a large exercise ball, which represents their snowball. And they’re going to run! And they’re going to race! They must keep control of the ball. Play your favourite upbeat Christmas music for extra excitement. Also great as a warm-up.

Christmas Cookies

Grade level: K-5
Equipment: none
Game Description: Here’s a Physedgames original game to enjoy during the Christmas season, it’s a fun and easy holiday PE game that will get players laughing, moving, and sweating! It’s easy too. All you will need is a playing area. Most of the players will be your favourite types of Christmas Cookies. You’ll also have one or two bakers (the catchers) and an oven, and a table (use your imaginiation). I hope you enjoy this game. Merry Christmas!

Backboard Dodgeball

Grade level: 4-8
Equipment: basketball backboards, dodgeballs
Game Description: Highly requested game of dodgeball. Lots of fun, and lots of skills as usual! Two teams faceoff in this fun version that uses the basketball court (full court or half court), thanks to Michelle Weaver!