Kategori: Kelas 6

menangkap bendera di luar ruangan

Tingkat kelas: 3-8
Peralatan: 2 Bendera, area bermain yang luas
Game Description: This has been the GAME OF THE YEAR at our school. LOTS of Fun, many skills and laughs have been had. Competition at its finest, and what a workout. It’s the standard version of Capture The Flag brought to physical education class! Find a large area (field, community center, playground, bushes, forest), make 2 teams, and get started. Teams spend a minute hiding their flag on their half of the area (no peeking). Once hidden, GO! The goal of the game is to capture the other teams flag before they capture yours and bring it across the middle line. Careful on the opponents side, because if you get tagged, you go to the jail for 2 mins. The tagger needs to tap the jail (a bench or something) and then they can resume play. No puppy-guarding the flag. Add in extra rules as you see fit, please watch the video for more specifics, I don’t have the time or the will to type everything out… just want to say thanks to Paul Grosskopf, a friend and colleague for setting all these things up for us this

Bola Basket Mie

Tingkat kelas: 5-8
Peralatan: Bola Basket, Jaring, Mie Biliar
Game Description: This is a basketball-type game that uses the typical skills in basketball, though with it’s own twist for a unique basketball tag type game. Two teams will faceoff against eachother. The object of the game is for your team to score as many points as possible into the bball net, or trash can or something if you don’t have nets. But if your ball gets touched by a noodle (held by one of the taggers) then you must return back to your side and start over. Give maybe 1/4 or 1/3 of the players a pool noodle, the rest of the team gets their own basketball. If you have a pool noodle then you must stay on your own side. Change the taggers each round. Round 1: layups only. Round 2: add jump shots. Round 3: add 3-pointers. Round 4: Taggers can go everywhere, and if a player is tagged then he or she must perform some sort of exercise. (Thanks to Randy Eich)

Pertarungan Gunting Kertas Batu TERBAIK

Tingkat kelas: K-8
Peralatan: Hula Hoops
Deskripsi Permainan: Permainan ini luar biasa. Para pemain memiliki pertempuran RPS yang sangat menyenangkan yang tidak akan segera mereka lupakan. 2 tim saling berhadapan. Tempatkan banyak hula hoop di antara tim dalam satu baris. 1 pemain dari masing-masing tim melompat ke arah yang lain, dan ketika mereka bertemu, mereka melakukan RPS. Pecundang harus melompat keluar dan bergabung dengan ujung garis sementara pemenang terus maju. Sementara itu, pemain berikutnya di barisan dari sisi yang kalah melompat dan melompat ke arah lawan. Agak sulit untuk dijelaskan melalui teks, jadi tonton videonya untuk melihat permainan yang luar biasa ini beraksi!

Kolektor Koin

Tingkat kelas: K-8
Peralatan: Koin (contoh: uang logam)
Game Description: Coin collectors can be played in the gym or adapted for outside, and used for any age group. It’s a super simple idea, give it a go as it should be lots of FUN! Start by having players line up at one end of the gym facing the wall (no peeking!). The teacher hides coins scattered throughout the gym floor. The teacher says ‘Go’ and students run to find a coin. When they find one, they stand on it and stay there. Once all the coins are found, the players who did not find one have to do 10 jumping jacks, or crunches, or pushups, etc (player or teacher can choose). Players then line up again, while teacher takes out one coin and re-hides the rest. Continue to take out one coin each round until there is only one coin remaining to be hidden. To determine how many coins to use: take the class size and cut it in half, and that is how many coins to start with (if 20 people in class, hide 10 coins). One final tip to make it easier to operate: have the students stay standing on the coin until you come a

Botol & Bola

Tingkat kelas: 3-8
Peralatan: Botol plastik, kerucut, bola
Game Description: Bottle & Ball is a game idea that was sent from Iran. It’s a game to work on hand eye coordination, reacting, and catching. First, you will need to cut plastic drink bottles into halves (1 half for each player). Then players will line up along an edge holding their bottle in hand (alternatively they could use a bowl or small pail). The students stand 1 meter apart. The teacher or one of the students throws the balls from a distance of 5 to 6 meters, respectively from the number one student to the end and then from the end to the number one student. Anyone who can catch the ball with their bottle or shuttle (without the ball falling to the ground) can take a step forward. The first person to reach the final marking cone gets 1 point, then everyone returns to the starting point and the game starts again from the starting point. (Thanks Dr. Mehdi Dehghani)

Kerucut Raja

Tingkat kelas: 4-8
Peralatan: Kerucut, bola busa
Deskripsi Permainan: King’s Kone adalah permainan varian dodgeball yang mengagumkan. Tim berhadapan untuk mencoba memenangkan putaran permainan dodgeball dengan twist… (menggunakan peraturan dodgeball apa pun yang Anda inginkan) menjatuhkan Kings Kones serta target tambahan. Ada beberapa cara untuk menang: merobohkan kerucut tim lain, menjatuhkan semua pemain, atau menembakkan bola khusus ke dalam ring basket. Menggunakan dodgeball dengan warna yang berbeda akan memungkinkan untuk beberapa peraturan khusus seperti jailbreak. Permainan ini pasti membuat para pemain meminta lebih banyak lagi – BANYAK lemparan, tangkapan, menunduk, berlari, menghindari, berkeringat, dan keseruan yang bisa didapatkan oleh semua orang!

sepak bola foosball

Tingkat kelas: 4-8
Peralatan: Mie Biliar, Jenis Bola Sepak
Deskripsi Permainan: Bawa permainan Foosball ke dalam kelas Pendidikan Jasmani! Pertama-tama, tentukan seberapa besar ukuran permainan yang akan dimainkan (ukuran penuh, setengah, kecil). Kemudian, pilihlah formasi. Para pemain secara kasar akan tetap berada di barisan mereka, dapat bergerak ke kiri dan ke kanan, mirip dengan permainan foosball meja. TETAPI para pemain juga harus bergabung bersama dalam satu barisan sambil memegang mie kolam renang, sehingga mereka melekat di seluruh barisan mereka dan harus bergerak bersama tanpa terpisah. Jika para pemain berpisah, bola akan jatuh ke tangan tim lawan!

relai mie kolam renang

Tingkat kelas: K-8
Peralatan: Mie Biliar, Kerucut
Deskripsi Permainan: Video sederhana yang menjelaskan 5 cara menyenangkan untuk menggunakan mie biliar dalam format estafet. Cepat, menyenangkan, ide yang melibatkan kerja sama tim, keseimbangan, dan/atau lainnya! Dapat juga digunakan sebagai pemanasan. Mungkin terlihat sederhana, tapi cobalah dan Anda pasti akan terkejut betapa menyenangkannya permainan ini.