Catégorie: 3e année

Miroir Miroir

Niveau scolaire : 1-5
Matériel : Musique
Game Description: Mirror Mirror could be a stand-alone game, could be used as a warm-up, or fitness activity. Quite a bit of action in this one. Start by dividing players into 2 equal groups. One group stands outside the basketball court line, while the other group stands inside. When the music plays, the group on the outside runs in one direction, while the group on the inside runs in the opposite direction. When the music stops, the group on the outside STOPS and FREEZES into any position/pose that they want. The players from the inside must then go and stand in front (1-2 meters apart) of a frozen player and copy or mirror the pose. Then the outside group becomes the inside group, vice-versa. If there’s an odd number, assign 1 player that is allowed to join a group. For older students, challenge them with a fitness pose – like a plank, side plank, lunge, squat, etc. Give it a go, let us know what you think! (Thanks to Anne Guilmaine for this idea)

capture le drapeau à l’extérieur

Niveau scolaire : 3-8
Matériel : 2 drapeaux, une grande surface de jeu
Game Description: This has been the GAME OF THE YEAR at our school. LOTS of Fun, many skills and laughs have been had. Competition at its finest, and what a workout. It’s the standard version of Capture The Flag brought to physical education class! Find a large area (field, community center, playground, bushes, forest), make 2 teams, and get started. Teams spend a minute hiding their flag on their half of the area (no peeking). Once hidden, GO! The goal of the game is to capture the other teams flag before they capture yours and bring it across the middle line. Careful on the opponents side, because if you get tagged, you go to the jail for 2 mins. The tagger needs to tap the jail (a bench or something) and then they can resume play. No puppy-guarding the flag. Add in extra rules as you see fit, please watch the video for more specifics, I don’t have the time or the will to type everything out… just want to say thanks to Paul Grosskopf, a friend and colleague for setting all these things up for us this

La MEILLEURE bataille de pierre-papier-ciseaux

Niveau scolaire : K-8
Matériel : Hula Hoops
Description du jeu : Ce jeu est incroyable. Les joueurs ont une bataille de RPS super amusante qu’ils ne sont pas prêts d’oublier. 2 équipes s’affrontent face à face. Placez un tas de hula hoops entre les équipes en ligne. 1 joueur de chaque équipe saute vers l’autre, et quand ils se rencontrent, ils font un RPS. Le perdant doit sauter et rejoindre la fin de la ligne pendant que le gagnant continue d’avancer. Pendant ce temps, le prochain joueur de la ligne du côté perdant saute et saute vers l’adversaire. C’est un peu difficile à expliquer par le texte, alors regardez la vidéo pour voir ce jeu impressionnant en action !

Collectionneurs de pièces de monnaie

Niveau scolaire : K-8
Matériel : Pièces de monnaie (exemple : pièces de un cent)
Game Description: Coin collectors can be played in the gym or adapted for outside, and used for any age group. It’s a super simple idea, give it a go as it should be lots of FUN! Start by having players line up at one end of the gym facing the wall (no peeking!). The teacher hides coins scattered throughout the gym floor. The teacher says ‘Go’ and students run to find a coin. When they find one, they stand on it and stay there. Once all the coins are found, the players who did not find one have to do 10 jumping jacks, or crunches, or pushups, etc (player or teacher can choose). Players then line up again, while teacher takes out one coin and re-hides the rest. Continue to take out one coin each round until there is only one coin remaining to be hidden. To determine how many coins to use: take the class size and cut it in half, and that is how many coins to start with (if 20 people in class, hide 10 coins). One final tip to make it easier to operate: have the students stay standing on the coin until you come a

Bouteille et boule

Niveau scolaire : 3-8
Matériel : Bouteille en plastique, cônes, balles
Game Description: Bottle & Ball is a game idea that was sent from Iran. It’s a game to work on hand eye coordination, reacting, and catching. First, you will need to cut plastic drink bottles into halves (1 half for each player). Then players will line up along an edge holding their bottle in hand (alternatively they could use a bowl or small pail). The students stand 1 meter apart. The teacher or one of the students throws the balls from a distance of 5 to 6 meters, respectively from the number one student to the end and then from the end to the number one student. Anyone who can catch the ball with their bottle or shuttle (without the ball falling to the ground) can take a step forward. The first person to reach the final marking cone gets 1 point, then everyone returns to the starting point and the game starts again from the starting point. (Thanks Dr. Mehdi Dehghani)

relais de nouilles de piscine

Niveau scolaire : K-8
Équipement : nouilles de piscine, cônes
Description du jeu : Une simple vidéo expliquant 5 façons amusantes d’utiliser des nouilles de piscine sous forme de relais. Des idées rapides et amusantes qui font appel au travail d’équipe, à l’équilibre et/ou à d’autres éléments ! Cela peut aussi servir d’échauffement. Cela peut sembler élémentaire, mais essaie et tu seras certainement surpris de voir à quel point c’est amusant.


Niveau scolaire : de la maternelle à la sixième année
Matériel : 5 gros objets
Game Description: Camouflage is a unique game idea (thanks to Joe Defreitas for ANOTHER great idea) that can be played with a handful of players, or an entire large group! It’s an ‘enhanced’ game of hide-and-seek where players will hide behind one of 5 large objects (example crash mats or exercise equipment) and hope to not be found by the caller. The caller will probably be the teacher for the first round at least. The caller will sit in a position where he/she cannot see the players hiding behind the objects. The caller will count down from 10 to 1 while the players hide. At the end of the countdown, the caller will say a name (or names) as well as a number from 1 to 5 which correlates with the objects that were hidden behind. If the player is found, he/she is OUT (can still continue to play). Last one remaining after all the rounds is the winner.


Niveau scolaire : 3-6
Matériel : Cônes
Description du jeu : Une autre excellente idée de jeu grâce à Joe Defreitas. Ce jeu a pour but d’aider les élèves à pratiquer leur rythme (lent, moyen, rapide – marche, jogging, course) sur de longues distances. Installez des cônes pour former un grand ovale, suffisamment de cônes, un pour chaque joueur, dans un grand espace. Les cônes doivent être de couleurs différentes (exemple : rouge, vert, jaune, bleu, répétez). Chaque joueur doit s’asseoir derrière son propre cône et se rappeler lequel est le sien. L’enseignant ou l’entraîneur aura un chronomètre et dira aux joueurs qu’ils doivent faire un tour (à vous de choisir le nombre de tours) en exactement 40 secondes.