Kategori: Kelas 5

Tit for tat

Tingkat kelas: 4-8
Peralatan: Matras, kerucut, hula hoop
Deskripsi Permainan: Permainan ini adalah variasi yang SANGAT menyenangkan (terima kasih Marshall untuk variasi ini) dari permainan strategi “Yoshi” yang sangat populer. Dua tim berhadapan satu sama lain dalam permainan invasi/wilayah ini. Tujuan permainan ini adalah untuk mendapatkan poin sebanyak-banyaknya dengan menempatkan sebanyak mungkin pemain di zona tujuan di sisi tim yang berlawanan. Putaran diberi waktu (2, 3, 4, 5 menit, atau berapa pun waktu yang Anda inginkan). Pemain aman di bagiannya masing-masing, tetapi bisa ditandai jika berada di sisi lawan (kecuali jika berada di area yang aman). Pemain yang ditandai harus diselamatkan, jika ada teman setim yang bisa menyelamatkannya dengan selamat. BANYAK gerakan, kerja sama tim, dan tertawa. Variasi yang luar biasa dari sebuah game klasik, sekali lagi terima kasih kepada Marshall.

Pemangsa & Mangsa

Tingkat kelas: 1-6
Peralatan: Tidak ada
Game Description: Here is an awesome cross-curricular idea that’s lots of fun, and teaches science concepts through play. Find a playing area indoors or outdoors. Have a quick discussion to see what students know about predators, prey, carnivores, herbivores, omnivores, etc. Ask students to give some examples. Then start setting up the game (it’s really simple actually). You’ll start by choosing a herbavore (example rabbits). Most of the players will be the rabbits. Their job is to simply run away from the taggers (the omnivores and carnivore). Then choose 2-3 players to be the omnivores (example foxes). The foxes will be chasing down the rabbits to try to tag them. But then you will also choose a carnivore, at the top of that food chain (example wolf). The wolf is able to chase after either the foxes or the rabbits and tag them. When players are tagged they need to go to the teacher at the side to perform a predetermined quick exercise to get back into the game. The teacher also has a special job… (thank

Cermin Cermin

Tingkat kelas: 1-5
Perlengkapan: Musik
Game Description: Mirror Mirror could be a stand-alone game, could be used as a warm-up, or fitness activity. Quite a bit of action in this one. Start by dividing players into 2 equal groups. One group stands outside the basketball court line, while the other group stands inside. When the music plays, the group on the outside runs in one direction, while the group on the inside runs in the opposite direction. When the music stops, the group on the outside STOPS and FREEZES into any position/pose that they want. The players from the inside must then go and stand in front (1-2 meters apart) of a frozen player and copy or mirror the pose. Then the outside group becomes the inside group, vice-versa. If there’s an odd number, assign 1 player that is allowed to join a group. For older students, challenge them with a fitness pose – like a plank, side plank, lunge, squat, etc. Give it a go, let us know what you think! (Thanks to Anne Guilmaine for this idea)


Tingkat kelas: 5-8
Peralatan: Bola sepak, lapangan basket
Game Description: This game is similar to Ultimate Frisbee, but with a football, on a basketball court! Divide your classes into teams of 5 on 5 or less. This also depends on the number of basketball courts you have for class time. The game starts by having the two captains play Rock, Paper, Scissors to determine possession. If you win RPS, you decide if your team will defend or receive. Both teams head under their respective baskets on the basketball court and the defending team throws the football to the receiving team. Play begins by the receiving team picking up the ball, or catching it (this is the only time it can be dropped without a turnover) and begin to advance it toward their basket. The receiving team can only advance the football by throwing it to a team-mate who must catch it and STOP, like Ultimate Frisbee. If it is dropped, the defending team gets possession at that spot to try to advance it in the same manner toward their basket. Points are scored when the football goes through the basketba

menangkap bendera di luar ruangan

Tingkat kelas: 3-8
Peralatan: 2 Bendera, area bermain yang luas
Game Description: This has been the GAME OF THE YEAR at our school. LOTS of Fun, many skills and laughs have been had. Competition at its finest, and what a workout. It’s the standard version of Capture The Flag brought to physical education class! Find a large area (field, community center, playground, bushes, forest), make 2 teams, and get started. Teams spend a minute hiding their flag on their half of the area (no peeking). Once hidden, GO! The goal of the game is to capture the other teams flag before they capture yours and bring it across the middle line. Careful on the opponents side, because if you get tagged, you go to the jail for 2 mins. The tagger needs to tap the jail (a bench or something) and then they can resume play. No puppy-guarding the flag. Add in extra rules as you see fit, please watch the video for more specifics, I don’t have the time or the will to type everything out… just want to say thanks to Paul Grosskopf, a friend and colleague for setting all these things up for us this

Bola Basket Mie

Tingkat kelas: 5-8
Peralatan: Bola Basket, Jaring, Mie Biliar
Game Description: This is a basketball-type game that uses the typical skills in basketball, though with it’s own twist for a unique basketball tag type game. Two teams will faceoff against eachother. The object of the game is for your team to score as many points as possible into the bball net, or trash can or something if you don’t have nets. But if your ball gets touched by a noodle (held by one of the taggers) then you must return back to your side and start over. Give maybe 1/4 or 1/3 of the players a pool noodle, the rest of the team gets their own basketball. If you have a pool noodle then you must stay on your own side. Change the taggers each round. Round 1: layups only. Round 2: add jump shots. Round 3: add 3-pointers. Round 4: Taggers can go everywhere, and if a player is tagged then he or she must perform some sort of exercise. (Thanks to Randy Eich)

Pertarungan Gunting Kertas Batu TERBAIK

Tingkat kelas: K-8
Peralatan: Hula Hoops
Deskripsi Permainan: Permainan ini luar biasa. Para pemain memiliki pertempuran RPS yang sangat menyenangkan yang tidak akan segera mereka lupakan. 2 tim saling berhadapan. Tempatkan banyak hula hoop di antara tim dalam satu baris. 1 pemain dari masing-masing tim melompat ke arah yang lain, dan ketika mereka bertemu, mereka melakukan RPS. Pecundang harus melompat keluar dan bergabung dengan ujung garis sementara pemenang terus maju. Sementara itu, pemain berikutnya di barisan dari sisi yang kalah melompat dan melompat ke arah lawan. Agak sulit untuk dijelaskan melalui teks, jadi tonton videonya untuk melihat permainan yang luar biasa ini beraksi!